Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Mutant VCF

This is the almost stuffed Serge Mutant VCF -- it is an attempt to be a Serge VCF with voltage controlled Frequency, Resonance & Slope. Not really sure that having all three parameters Voltage tweekable will work but it is easy enough to drop back to just two, as in the originals... I have used That Coporation quad transistors for the gain cells in a hope that it will be both quieter and more stable than the original. I have also used silver mica capacitors in the analog path. Looks like and intersting filter, from reading a few reviews on the net. It's not like I really need another filter...


Ekkoflok said...

Have you made the PCB layout yourself? I've been looking for serge PCB layouts for a long time.

I know Ken Stone is selling PCB's but I like to etch my own.

Unknown said...

Im interested for a layout too :D